Friday, March 26, 2010

15 Axioms for Sales Success

What it takes to make it happen . . .
  1. Yes I can! Attitude is everything. Be positive. (When was the last time someone sincerely told you that they believe in you?)
  2. Connect with the right people. Learn how to identify them; get close to them.
  3. Learn. If you already know everything, log out of this blog. You won't learn anything here.
  4. Prepare to succeed today. Every phone call, every handshake, every encounter could lead to the next big thing.
  5. Be Valuable. Be known as a resource, not a salesperson.
  6. Solve Problems. People want answers to THEIR problems.
  7. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunity. Have you learned how to spot it?
  8. Seize opportunities. Opportunity is often missed because it involves change, adaptation and a measure of discomfort. Get uncomfortable.
  9. I am responsible. Blame chips away at success; responsibility strengthens success.
  10. Act on it. Goals, plans and strategies are useless without action.
  11. Don't fear mistakes. Failure is not final. Mistakes breed self-determination if seen as a learning opportunity. Review numbers 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
  12. Take a risk. No risk, no reward. 
  13. Keep your eyes on the prize. Success is not a lottery ticket.
  14. Balance yourself. You are a complete person, not just a job. 
  15. Never, never, never give up. Your journey to success stops when you do.
How are you doing? Let me know by emailing or calling 763-205-1527.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Are You a Strategic or Tactical Business Owner?

Too many owners/managers are gifted technicians but not necessarily effective as strategic leaders. If you are not leading in your business, then who is? If you are not being strategic, then who is? If you are not proactive, who is?

Here is a set of questions that can help you self-assess whether you are strong strategic business owner or not. Ask yourself . . .
  • Do I see the big picture and have a long-term view?
  • Do I think more like a CEO or more like an employee?
  • Do I create a yearly business plan?
  • Is my leadership purposeful, proactive, and planning-based?
  • Do I constantly think about the direction and objective of the business?
  • Do I focus on the entire business and not just the technical work of the business?
  • Have I created plans, procedures and policies to help operate my company?
  • Have I developed and documented all our key business processes?
  • Do I utilize the leverage of marketing to grow my business?
  • Do I spend more time on important matters rather than trivial/urgent matters?
  • Have I created a systems-dependent business instead of an owner-dependent business?
  • Do I conduct one-on-one monthly coaching sessions with my managers and/or key employees?
  • Do I avoid getting buried in the day-to-day details and headaches of the business?
  • Have I shaped my business more by design than by default?
Take a look at the questions that you answered affirmatively. These are points to be proud of. What are you doing to strengthen these points to become even better in these areas?

Take a look at the questions that you answered negatively. These are areas that need to be addressed to move your organization to greater heights of success.

Assessing your business is an essential step in finding a solution. You can greatly benefit from becoming a Strategic Business Owner (SBO). An SBO gets the highest and best return possible for his/her time, money and effort. She focuses on working smarter, not harder.

If you are interested in transforming your mindset and ramping your behaviors up for greater success and effectiveness, call me to discuss how a coach can help.

Alan Furst
763 205 1527