Friday, March 26, 2010

15 Axioms for Sales Success

What it takes to make it happen . . .
  1. Yes I can! Attitude is everything. Be positive. (When was the last time someone sincerely told you that they believe in you?)
  2. Connect with the right people. Learn how to identify them; get close to them.
  3. Learn. If you already know everything, log out of this blog. You won't learn anything here.
  4. Prepare to succeed today. Every phone call, every handshake, every encounter could lead to the next big thing.
  5. Be Valuable. Be known as a resource, not a salesperson.
  6. Solve Problems. People want answers to THEIR problems.
  7. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunity. Have you learned how to spot it?
  8. Seize opportunities. Opportunity is often missed because it involves change, adaptation and a measure of discomfort. Get uncomfortable.
  9. I am responsible. Blame chips away at success; responsibility strengthens success.
  10. Act on it. Goals, plans and strategies are useless without action.
  11. Don't fear mistakes. Failure is not final. Mistakes breed self-determination if seen as a learning opportunity. Review numbers 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
  12. Take a risk. No risk, no reward. 
  13. Keep your eyes on the prize. Success is not a lottery ticket.
  14. Balance yourself. You are a complete person, not just a job. 
  15. Never, never, never give up. Your journey to success stops when you do.
How are you doing? Let me know by emailing or calling 763-205-1527.

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